Do you want to Run a Pub?

If you have ever wanted to run your own pub business, then there are three main ways of doing it:

Buying your own pub (sometimes called Independent Free Trade). You purchase the pub property and run it how you wish. Fully independent, with no central support from a pub company.
Leased & Tenanted Licensee. You will take on a lease (typically 5 years) and pay rent to the pub company that owns the property. You also be tied to purchase certain products from the company (typically Beers, Ciders, Wines & Spirits). The price you pay for tied products will generally be higher than if you were a Free Trader. The pub company supports you with business advice, marketing support and training. The upfront costs are less than buying a pub and your building maintenance costs typically split between you and the pub company. You’ll need a minimum of around £10k free cash to invest in this type of pub business.
Management Agreement. You enter into a self-employed management agreement with the pub company and operate the pub to their model. The pub company pays for all costs associated with the pub including, stock, utilities and repairs. You get paid a percentage of the weekly take (typically 18-30%) from which you pay your staff and yourself. Again the pub company supports you with business advice, marketing support and training. The upfront costs are less than that of a Leased & Tenanted lease and almost all maintenance costs are covered by the pub company. You’ll need around £4k free cash to invest in this type of pub business.

Each of these models has its own level of startup costs, risks and rewards.  But each allow the opportunity to build a pub business that will be at the heart of its community or high street and the satisfaction that brings.

Run A Country Pub

What support do you receive from the pub companies.

This varies from one company to the next, however, all pub companies provide you with on-going support to realise your dream of running your own successful pub business.

The support you receive will include everything from marketing & PR advice including web design, access to food & drink approved suppliers, training & recruitment support, financial, payroll & insurance services and legislation & professional advice.

So, if you have a passion for pubs and want the freedom to run your own pub and manage your own business then choosing the right pub is crucial, whether you are looking to run a village destination pub, a local community pub or a high street pub start your search today at HJUK.

What are the differences between a Leased pub, Tenancy pub or Freehold.

Download an easy guide provided by the BBPA explaining the differences and also what services are provided to support you including: business support, deposit and bonds, fixtures, fittings, contractual & agreement differences and much more. Download
Run A Pub In The City Centre

Pre-Entry Awareness Training (PEAT) provided by BII (British institute of Innkeeping)

The Pre-Entry Awareness Training (PEAT) is an e-learning course designed for prospective tenants/lessees who are considering signing a pub tenancy or lease agreement.

It will allow individuals to identify the main issues which need to be considered and investigated before signing a pub tenancy or lease agreement.

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Country Pub